Our Process

At Profit Light Watch Ltd, we appreciate that watchmaking is more than a production process—it's a partnership between artistry and precision, form and function, our experienced team and your esteemed brand. We've fine-tuned this process over the course of three decades, allowing us to create timepieces that embody the unique spirit of each brand we work with. Here's a comprehensive insight into our detailed manufacturing process:

1. Pre-Production Meeting

  • The process begins with a pre-production meeting with your team to understand your brand's vision and requirements for the timepiece. We use this opportunity to align our resources with your expectations, setting the groundwork for a successful collaboration.

2. Conceptualization & Design

  • The journey of a watch starts on the drawing board. Our designers transform your brand's vision into precise technical sketches, taking into account the style, functionality, and target demographic. Throughout this phase, we encourage constant interaction with your team to ensure that the design fully embodies your brand identity.

3. Material Sourcing & Selection

  • Once the design is finalized, we move onto sourcing and selecting the highest quality materials that align with your brand's specifications. This involves a careful balance of aesthetics, durability, and performance. From the metals for the case to the leather for the straps, every material is chosen with your brand's ethos in mind.

4. Parts Manufacturing

  • With the design blueprint and materials at hand, we initiate the manufacturing of the watch components. This includes cases, dials, hands, and movement parts, all crafted with precision using our advanced machinery. Each step is closely monitored to ensure adherence to your design specifications.

5. Movement Assembly

  • The movement, often referred to as the heart of the watch, is assembled with meticulous attention to detail. This involves assembling tiny components to form a cohesive, efficient mechanism that guarantees accurate timekeeping. We share the progress and details of this vital stage with your team, ensuring complete transparency.

6. Watch Assembly

  • Next, we move onto the assembly of the watch. Our skilled watchmakers bring together the manufactured parts, the movement, the dial, and the hands, breathing life into the timepiece. Throughout this process, we adhere to strict quality control measures to ensure every piece aligns perfectly with the design blueprint.

7. Quality Inspection & Testing

  • Every assembled watch undergoes a stringent inspection and testing process. We examine each watch for precision, aesthetic appeal, and functionality, ensuring it meets our high standards and your brand's expectations. We conduct pressure tests for water resistance, accuracy tests for timekeeping, and several other checks to ensure optimum performance.

8. Aesthetic Finishing

  • Once the watches have passed the quality control checks, they move onto final finishing. This stage includes polishing, engraving, and other decorative processes that add the final touch of elegance to your timepiece. We work closely with your brand to ensure these finishing touches align with your style guidelines.

9. Fitting of Strap or Bracelet

  • Now, the strap or bracelet is fitted to the watch. We offer a variety of materials and styles to choose from, ensuring the final piece fits seamlessly with your brand's aesthetics. The fitting process is handled with care to preserve the integrity and finish of the timepiece.

10. Final Quality Control & Certification

  • Prior to packaging, each watch undergoes a final quality control inspection. We revisit every detail, from the smoothness of the watch hands' movement to the precision of the engraving, and the comfort of the strap. Your feedback is invaluable during this stage, helping us ensure that the timepiece meets your brand's quality standards and exceeds customer expectations.

11. Packaging

  • The completed watches are then carefully packaged. We provide custom packaging solutions that mirror the quality and design of your timepiece, enhancing the unboxing experience for your customers.

12. Global Shipping & Logistics

  • Once the watches are packaged, they're ready for shipping. We handle all logistics, from export and import documentation to transportation arrangements. We keep your team updated throughout this process, ensuring your timepieces reach their destination safely.

Our manufacturing process is an intricate dance of expertise, precision, and collaborative engagement. We weave your brand's unique identity into every stage, ensuring a final product that stands as a testament to your brand's ethos and our craftsmanship. With Profit Light Watch Ltd, you're not just commissioning a watch—you're embarking on a manufacturing journey where every detail is handled with utmost care and dedication.